Unlock the future of geospatial technology. Today.

Master modern geospatial. Enjoy the journey. Shape your path.

Spatial Lab is a community of aspiring geospatial professionals, tech enthusiasts, and modern spatial analysts. Join Spatial Lab and we’ll help you master the latest geospatial technologies, tools, and techniques, bridging the gap left by traditional education. With our support, you’ll gain the skills to excel in your career and make a real impact in the world.

Join Spatial Lab today

The gap in geospatial education.

Let’s be brutally honest: traditional education often fall short in teaching the modern geospatial skills needed in today’s tech-driven world. Many aspiring professionals find themselves struggling to keep up, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of self-study required to stay relevant.



…because most programs focus on outdated tools and techniques, leaving you unprepared for the demands of the current job market.

Your frustration...

…with trying to learn on your own can lead to wasted time and energy, hindering your progress and confidence.


We’ve all been there…

...spending countless hours on online forums, watching outdated tutorials, and feeling isolated in your learning journey.


The bottom line…

…is that without proper guidance and up-to-date resources, your growth in the geospatial field is stunted and your potential unrealized.

In particular, you are getting stuck navigating the geospatial maze.


You're busy. In fact, you're really busy. But busy doing what? If you're honest, you know you're juggling multiple geospatial projects and tutorials, struggling to see how they all fit together. Despite your best efforts, it's difficult to make real progress given the demands of your current work.

The overwhelm spiral

With every passing day, your to-do list grows longer. By the time you’ve managed your work tasks, handled emails, and attended meetings, it’s hard to focus on advancing your geospatial skills or completing your tutorials. Gradually, you feel more stressed, more burnt out, and further behind on where you want to be in your career.

Pseudo-skill building

It can feel like a never-ending, lonely, and uphill battle. A battle where your effort isn’t translating into the most important goal: mastering geospatial technologies and achieving your professional aspirations. Instead of feeling fulfilled and accomplished, you end up more overwhelmed and disconnected from your true goals. And none of this is helping you with your ultimate goal.

A happier, more fulfilled you. With more time to do focus on the skills that matter to you.


How data first geospatial helped me build a life I love

Hey there — if we haven't met yet, I'm Matt Forrest 👋

I'm a geospatial analyst, educator, and advocate for modern geospatial technologies.

57k followers • Geospatial Advocate

When I started my learning journey, I found myself stuck in a cycle of outdated methodologies and fragmented learning. I was juggling multiple projects, struggling to see how they all fit together, and feeling overwhelmed by the demands of my day job.

Some days, I’d spend hours searching for the right tutorial or trying to piece together information from different sources. Despite my efforts, I felt like I was making little progress. I knew that if I continued like this, I would never get the skills to do what I really wanted to do. I spent years trying to find my way through this maze.

Everything changed when I discovered a structured approach to learning and embraced what I call a data and fundamentals approach to learning modern geospatial tools. I could apply this to anything I wanted to learn, data engineering, SQL, Python, machine learning, and more. This transformation didn’t happen overnight, but with the right resources and a supportive community, I was able to steadily improve my skills and advance my career.

Today, I’ve built a successful career in geospatial and have been able to help others, with a thriving YouTube channel, a book about Spatial SQL, and numerous projects that I’m passionate about. This journey inspired me to create Spatial Lab — a community designed to help others navigate the complexities of modern geospatial learning and achieve their professional goals.


The Secret to Modern Geospatial Mastery

You see, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that mastering geospatial technologies is about cramming more tutorials, attending endless webinars, and working harder.

But after dedicating countless hours to learning and teaching, I’ve realized that the traditional approach to geospatial education is fundamentally flawed.

The truth is, productivity in geospatial learning isn’t about doing more...

...it’s about applying the fundamentals of data and programming effectively.

The secret is to integrate structured learning, practical application, and community support into your journey. When you have a clear roadmap, access to the latest tools, and a supportive network, your learning becomes more effective and enjoyable.

This is why I created Spatial Lab — to provide a space where geospatial professionals can access the right resources, receive expert guidance, and connect with like-minded individuals. Our approach is centered around three core principles: Structure, Application, and Community.

Having people around us working towards similar goals is the most streamlined way for us to boost our skills and collective productivity.

It's what I've found key to my success over recent years and it's why we're now building a community that will solve the problem that so many of us are struggling with on a daily basis.

🎉 Introducing Spatial Lab

Spatial Lab is a community designed for aspiring geospatial professionals, tech enthusiasts, and modern spatial analysts.

Our mission is to bridge the gap left by traditional education programs and provide you with the tools, techniques, and support needed to master modern geospatial technologies.

At Spatial Lab, we focus on three core principles: Structure, Application, and Community. By combining these elements, we create an environment where learning is not just efficient but also enjoyable.

🏗️ Structure: We offer a clear, structured roadmap that guides you through the essential concepts of data and programming as they apply to geospatial technologies. Our curriculum is designed to ensure that you build a strong foundation and progress steadily.

⌨️ Application: Learning by doing is at the heart of our approach. You'll engage in practical projects and real-world applications of modern geospatial tools. This hands-on experience is crucial for solidifying your knowledge and skills.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Community: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your passion for geospatial technology. Our community spaces provide a platform for collaboration, support, and networking. Together, we can overcome challenges and celebrate successes.

Spatial Lab is an all-in-one online community, resource library, and co-working space designed to help you master modern geospatial technologies alongside other passionate professionals. But our goal isn’t just about enhancing your skills and productivity. It’s about empowering you to focus on what truly matters in your career and life, while enjoying the learning journey.

At Spatial Lab, we transform the often daunting process of learning into an engaging and enjoyable experience. By integrating structured education, practical application, and community support, we turn the complexities of geospatial technology into a rewarding adventure.

Here's what you get when you join Spatial Lab:

Spatial Lab Skills Assesment

Every member gets access to a comprehensive skills assesment to help you figure out where your strengths lie, what areas to improve in, and what sort of learning path makes sense for you!



Onboarding Course

Every member will get access to an onboarding course that goes over the different parts of the Spatial Lab community so you are set up for success. We will walk you through the set up and first steps to welcome you to the community.



Quarterly Town Hall

Each quarter the entire community is invited to an all hands town hall focusing on current trends in the industry, technologies, and emerging patterns in geospatial to help you stay current in all aspects of geospatial.



12+ Community Spaces

Engage with like-minded professionals in specialized forums covering various geospatial topics.




Participate in shared development sprints to develop new skills in a collaborative, exerciese based format.



Exclusive Resource Library

Access a curated and ever-growing repository of knowledge, including tutorials, articles, and best practices.



Challenges and Experiments

Turn your learning into a fun and engaging experience with geospatial challenges and experiments.



Community Support and Networking

Connect with a vibrant community of geospatial enthusiasts, share your journey, seek advice, and collaborate on projects.



Flexible Learning Paths

Choose learning paths that suit your unique goals, whether you aim to skyrocket your career, enhance your creative output, or find more balance in your life.



Money-back Guarantee

Join risk-free with our satisfaction guarantee.



Spatial Lab is an annual membership that’ll help you double your skillset, focus and consistency, while enjoying the journey along the way.

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Curated Resource Library

Complete set of resources for geospatial learning from inside the community and outside, organized and curated for you.


Exclusive Insights

Monthly updates with the latest in geospatial technology and techniques.


Geospatial Skills Audit

Participate in the comprehensive geospatial skills audit to understand your current skills and which areas to focus on for your targeted growth.


Community Circles

Participate in all the core Spatial Lab community circles around technical topics and more.


Quarterly Town Hall

Participate in a town hall for the entire Spatial Lab community every 3 months to understand the most current topics in geospatial.


Coding Challenges

Participate in regular coding challenges to advance your skills in new areas.


Spatial Lab Onboarding

Participate in the Spatial Lab onboarding course helping you understand how to make the most out the community.


Career Library

Articles, tips, and tricks to help you advance your career.


Professional Community

Join our online space to network, share progress, and get support.


Community Building

Help shape the future of Spatial Lab by providing feedback and participating in community initiatives.


Money-Back Guarantee

If Spatial Lab isn't right for you, get a full refund anytime during your 12-month subscription.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions about the Lab that you might have. If you have any other questions don't hesitate to reach out - we are happy to help.

Who is Spatial Lab for?

Anyone with an interest in elevating their geospatial skills. A background in GIS or spatial analytics helps, and most lab mates already have that foundation.

How is Spatial Lab different?

A few key things:

  • We focus on modern, open tools.
  • The course helps you scale your ability to work with more data.
  • It will help you learn modern programming languages like Python and SQL for geospatial.
  • You will learn to work with large datasets.
  • You will be enabled to create analysis as you see fit, with no constraints like you might find in desktop tools.
  • The course is 100% online and is designed without fluff or filler.
What if I have a "traditional GIS" background?

Then welcome! This course is designed for all skill levels, specifically those in the GIS or geospatial fields who might mostly work in desktop GIS tools.

Most bootcamps and GIS certificate programs cost $1,000s of dollars. What's the deal?

My main goal is to make this information accessible and affordable to all while integrating a true supportive community. I want to make Spatial Lab the most valuable membership in the geospatial space. There is also Purchase Power Parity available and should show up based on your region.

What happens after I buy?

You will get immediate access to Spatial Lab, the onboarding course, spatial skills assessment, and all circles. You will need to fill out your profile and introduce yourself to the community - we are excited to have you!

Will I need to pay for updates?

No - you will have full access to the community and all future updates for as long as you choose to continue your membership.

Will I receive a certification?

You will get a membership certification to show that you are a community member once you complete the onboarding course as well as certifications for the different sprint courses as you complete them.

Join the Lab. Today.

If you’d like to join the Lab, we’d love to have you.

If you’re not sure, and you’d like to speak to someone on the team, you can email the team at [email protected]. We’ll be happy to help out and you can decide if it’s for you.

Join Spatial Lab today